Computer Forensics Foundation

Computer Forensics Foundation

Our Computer Forensics Foundation course develops the concepts, exposes you to the basic elements to execute Computer Forensics processes. In this course, you will be exposed to concepts of computer forensics tools that are used to implement the forensics evidence recovery and analytical processes.

On finishing the Forensics Foundation Course, you can appear for the online/offline exam and apply for the “PECB Certified Computer Forensics Foundation” credential. The PECB Foundation credential proves that you have comprehended the fundamental techniques, processes and management approach and are industry ready to work in this field.

Who should attend?

Individuals who prefers to know about Computer Forensics Processes
Individuals looking to acquire knowledge about the main processes of Computer Forensics
Individuals seeking to pursue a career in Computer Forensics

Learning Objectives

Understand the basic & core cconcepts of Computer Forensics
Understand the basic & core processes of Computer Forensics
Understand the way, methods and techniques used to effectively manage Computer Forensics Processes

Educational approach
Lecture sessions are depicted with practical questions and examples
Practical exercises contain examples and discussions
Practice tests are almost similar to the Certification Exam





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